1 Comment

Hello Hannah!

Nice post. I just discovered your post together with a message that Internet Archive could be reached through Google. I must warn you and your friends at Internet Archive about that, because of knowledge I have from Richard Stallman, Ed Snowden, and Rob Braxman!

The main reason is that they will use the data from "the used ones" [users] in order to manipulate them.

The next issue is that it could lead to a hostile takeover of the function of Internet Archive.

Alcohol is carcinogenic, create stress, disturb sleep and hormones and is a way for evil forces to make us all retarded. It could also be a way to deliver nanotechnology into our brains, according to Dr Lee Merritt.

Me, and probably many other nice guys in your vicinity who'd love to marry you, know how to give a woman a much nicer experience, completely without alcohol. I promise!

Stay free from the platforms of sATAN!

Best regards


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